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Staff Development

The Staff Development program is intended to provide Texas REALTORS® employees with the knowledge, skills, and resources to be successful and serve our members.  

If you have comments, concerns, or suggestions for the Staff Development program, please provide them here.

Resources & Upcoming Training

For All Staff

These resources and training sessions are intended for all staff at Texas REALTORS® and focus on compliance with association policies and gaining a deep understanding of our Core Values.

For Managers

These resources and training sessions are intended for anyone with direct reports and are focused on skill-building for managers. 

For New Staff

These resources are intended for staff who have recently joined Texas REALTORS®. 

These sessions are for all staff at Texas REALTORS® and meant to open up dialogues between colleagues. Some sessions will be skills-based, while some will offer deep dives into what individual departments do at the Association. 

Collaborative Conversations

If you have questions or concerns about the Staff Development program, contact Jazz Lough and/or Mike Barnett

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