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What's with all the emails? Conversion to Microsoft Planner

Many of you have probably been receiving emails related to various projects that are contained within Trello or Asana boards. You'll all remember that the diversity and multitude of uncoordinated collaboration tools being used has been a topic of our collaborative conversations this year.

We all as a group decided that it would be beneficial to choose one technology tool and use it consistently across the organization. So which is it...Trello, Asana, Planner? The features of each are about the same. However, Trello and Asana present some organization-wide challenges without purchase of licenses for everyone. These challenges include the accessibility of boards across the organization which are created by a multitude of users and also security and convenience. With third party tools like Trello and Asana (both great tools), each user is required to create a user name and password (more passwords to keep up with) and tie it to any email address. The latter is a security issue if a user tied their access to a personal email account and perhaps later left the organization.

On the other hand, with Microsoft Planner, these issues are alleviated. Planner is part of the Microsoft 365 suite, for which we are all already licensed. So, we all already have access to the fully-licensed version of the product and it is tied into our employee directory. So no creating new accounts and keeping up with new passwords. Any Planner board that you are invited to or given access to will show up in one place. And as part of the Microsoft 365 suite, Planner integrates seamlessly into our other Microsoft products,

We are in the process of converting current and relevant Trello and Asana boards over to Planner and will use Planner exclusively moving forward. The emails some of you have received are generated through that conversion process.

Once conversion is complete, we will offer training on Microsoft Planner. In the meantime, you can learn more about Planner or explore the web-based Planner now. More to come.

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