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What's happening with zipForm? You may be getting questions.

For many years, one of the most popular and beneficial member benefits to Texas REALTORS® members has been free access to online forms and transaction management through a product called zipForm. We've been offering this product since the early 2000's, when our membership was about 48,000.

Much has changed in technology and the online forms space. zipForm, now owned by Lone Wolf, has continued to evolve and improve their products, but is joined in the space by many online forms systems that a great number of our members utilize. This led Texas REALTORS® a few years ago to license our forms library to some of these companies, while still providing zipForm as a member benefit.

Our current contract with Lone Wolf to provide zipForm expires at the end of 2024. As we typically do when we approach contract renewal for key products, we solicit feedback from members to gauge their satisfaction and utilization of the product. Especially with the number of digital forms solutions being utilized by our members, we want to make sure that the zipForm partnership continues to offer the greatest benefit at a feasible price point.

As the Leadership Team has been traveling the state hosting regional meetings and talking to thousands of members, some of us may be getting questions regarding the fate of the popular member benefit. No decision has been made at this point and solicitation of member feedback will continue through early next year. In fact, a member task force has been assembled to discuss the issue in the coming months. We will update everyone as we progress through this process and develop a recommendation for next steps.

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